We are proud of our carefully selected list of quality wines, many of which are available by the glass as well as the bottle. Our staff are always happy to help you make your selection from a wide choice of red, white, rose and sparkling wine. We also offer a great range of gins, spirits and premium mixers, along with local and imported beers, ciders and an excellent selection of non-alcoholic drinks, teas and coffees.

Food at Dukes features high quality ingredients and attractive presentation. Our delicious sharing platters are very popular with our customers, as are our Barrel & Stone stone-baked pizzas and piadinas. We also offer tasty sandwiches, jacket potatoes, patisserie and desserts. Every Wednesday we host a ‘ Fine Wine and Dine’ night, when you can select a top-notch bottle of wine from our wine merchants and enjoy it with your meal for just its retail price and a small corkage charge!

Lunch Menu

Evening Menu

Drinks Menu